
Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual Adapter

Microsoft is a company that develops some amazing products. One of them is the Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual Adapter. The virtual adapter is basically an internet connection for your other devices. Virtual Wifi helps the user to connect multiple IEEE 802.11 networks with one wifi card.  Virtual WiFi uses a network hopping scheme to switch the wireless card across the required wireless networks. 

The main computer is connected to a physical router connection and serves as the host. It provides the hotspot for the neighboring devices. Command prompt is mainly used to enable and disable the Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual Adapter. Virtual Wifi interacts with the card device driver at the lower end. It also interacts with network protocols at the upper end. It is truly one of the most fascinating services provided by Microsoft.


How does Microsoft Wifi Virtual Direct Adapter work? 

As we haven seen the virtual adapter connects the neighboring devices, it becomes easily accessible. It is basically the same as other Wifi networks. It works by exposing multiple virtual adapters. Each virtual adapter is connected to the network where connectivity is desired. Virtual Wifi is implemented as a NDIS intermediate driver. The adapter receives packets and transmits them. If that particular packet is not designated to the PC, it can be retransmitted. The process of retransmission takes place either using the same SSID or using a different one. 

How to develop and establish a Microsoft Wifi Virtual Direct Adapter on your device?

You can add this amazing virtual wifi on your device just by following these simple steps.

Step 1: Find the ‘Device Manager’ from the search section of your device.

Step 2: Under View menu click on the ‘show hidden devices’ option.

Step 3: Use the dropdown menu on the ‘Network Adapters’ option and right click on the ‘Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual Adapter’ .

Step 4: After completing step 3, select the option which says ‘Scan for hardware changes’. Close the Device Manager.

Step 5: Then open Command Prompt and run it as Admin. 

Step 6: Add the following line in the Command Prompt:

             ‘netsh wlan show drivers’ and press Enter

Step 7: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=SSIDname key=Password

Step 8: Then add the respective details. 

Step 9: Then type ‘netsh wlan start hostednetwork’.

Device Manager

Wifi Direct is one the cause that may cause confusion while configuring. It may also interfere with other networks and devices. Besides, not all users require this feature. So here’s an easy step-by-step guide that will help you to disable or remove the Virtual Wifi from your device. These steps are applicable to Windows 7 and onwards. 

  Basically there are 2 methods to remove or disable the Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual Adapter. Both methods are equally efficient and easy to follow. 

Method 1: Removing, Disabling using the Device Manager

Step 1: Find the Device Manager option in the Control Panel. You can also search it in your start menu.

 Step 2: In Network Adapters section find the ‘Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual Adapter’ option.

 Step 3: After performing the above step, right-click on the same option and select ‘Disable Device’.

 Step 4: After completing the above steps, restart your Windows device. 

  This process is pretty simple and easy to follow. If you want to enable it again, select the enable option after performing the first 3 steps.

Method 2: By using Powershell

You can also disable or remove Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual Adapter by using Powershell. This method is recommended to disable or remove Wifi Direct from your device. 

Follow these simple steps to completely remove Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual Adapter.

 Step 1: Open Powershell and run it as Admin.

 Step 2: The virtual adapter needs to be disabled before doing any changes in the Powershell.

             Type in the following command which will stop the running virtual adapter.

             ‘netsh wlan stop hostednetwork’.

 Step 3: After executing the above step, the virtual adapter stops running. Type in the next 

Command to completely disable the Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual Adapter.

‘netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow’

  This will remove the Virtual Adapter from your device. If you are not able to see any changes, try to reboot your device. Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual Adapter is one of the most enthralling services offered by Microsoft. Try and enable this service by following the guides above. If you haven’t used it, definitely give it a try!               


  1. What are the advantages of using Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual adapter?

Ans: It helps to connect multiple devices very easily. No access points are required. Files can be sent without an internet connection.

  1. Microsoft Wifi Direct Virtual Adapter says ‘ No internet Access’. What should I do?

Ans: Restart the router, turn off Airplane mode and access the Network Troubleshooter. 

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